Do postmodern slogans exist?

Bojana Radenković Šošić

Apstrakt: Paper aims to discuss the postmodern character of NTOs’ (National Tourist Organization) slogans. The research problem is placed in the context of branding tourist destinations. Author began the research with the assumption that national tourist slogans could be interpreted in the context of postmodern marketing characteristics. Considering the importance of branding process in the postmodern marketing and the importance of slogans in the branding process, the research aimed to analyze if national tourism slogans reflect postmodern marketing features. The author intended to connect the theoretical postulates of postmodern marketing and their practical application in the field of branding tourism destinations. The results of the study could be used as guidelines for practioners in the process of branding tourist destinations by choosing the effective country slogans.

Ključne reči: postmodern marketing, branding destinations, slogans, National Tourist Organization

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Etnoantropološki problemi, y. 2014, no. 9 (1), pp. 175-193